museHaven will change the world by helping the
artist / inventor in anyone to fulfill their creative
potential via online collaboration and provide
communal retreats in magical places with the
first one planned for the Kona coast on Hawaii.
Membership is free. Shareholders will benefit from
all inclusive accommodation where they can focus
on their projects and exchange ideas with other
guests from around the world.
Welcome. Thanks for your time. If it sounds like I’m dreaming out loud, I am. Letting imagination run wild is a starting point, like
posing the question; If I had a magic wand, how would it come together? The more this can be shared, the greater it will be, yet
chances are, we have heard so much already, our hearts might be poisoned with pessimism. Whatever plan I am able to convey,
you can make it better with your questions and insight. It won’t take much to get this party started, just an open invitation for you
to add your energy to it. This may be going viral too soon. Feel free to participate however you choose, yet in any case, enjoy...